Woodmanstern Primary

Parent Pay Term Dates

W6 Where Pioneers become Legacy Leavers 

As a sixth form provider we are clear about what our overriding principles are in securing the best outcomes for our students. The below table demonstrates how we maintain our pursuit for academic excellence and a passion for learning  in all students, readiness for next steps, and, crucially, that all of our students are citizens of the world.


What do we offer? Why is this important? How do we make it happen?

Expert Teachers


A curriculum is only as strong as its delivery. A robust sixth form curriculum requires subject expertise to ensure that lessons are thought-provoking and students are suitably challenged and supported. Whilst there are many routes a student may take in terms of their chosen subjects, all should be supported in achieving academic excellence.

To ensure that there is range and depth in our curriculum, each of our teachers at sixth form is an expert in their field. To supplement their expertise, we use meeting time for professional development, drawing on our teachers to support each other in continuously evolving our craft in sixth-form
teaching. This wealth of experience we have on our staff body allows us to ensure our curriculum is extensive and accessible.


All of our teachers undertake exam board training to complement their own proficiency. Many of our teachers have graduated with strong qualifications in their subject areas from top universities and have experience of other sixth forms and colleges.

Personal Guidance


Our students have a diversity of goals and aspirations for the future. We know that the world is competitive, but we also recognise that there is a wealth of opportunity to be had. It is therefore important to help students carve out their own pathway and help them build the necessary tools to ensure their readiness for next steps.

Personal Guidance has been a feature of Woodmansterne at every stage of Secondary. In sixth form we ensure that each student receives personal guidance from a Level 6 Careers Advisor. Our team of tutors support UCAS applications for students, while our Senior Leadership Team use
enrichment time to facilitate future panning
sessions for all students.


We also build on the excellent pastoral support offered in the lower and middle school to ensure that students have the necessary scaffolding to help them meet challenges head-on.

Defining Experiences


Whilst getting good grades in school is tremendously important, it is equally important that young people are developed holistically and are provided with the necessary experiences to become future leaders. We foster a sense of moral purpose in our students to help them become citizens of the world.

We maintain a challenging PSHE and Careers programme in sixth form to ensure that students grow into true citizens of the world.


To complement this, we arrange trips and school speakers in all subjects. We also develop links with Universities and employers to provide students with opportunities to taste their own future pathways.


We also continue a wide range of enrichment opportunities, with particular emphasis on student leadership of clubs in the lower school.

Student- Centred Learning


Every student is different, both in terms of their
learning habits, and their aspirations for the future. We use our deep knowledge of students to ensure that the curriculum meets their individual needs. We believe that by doing this we help them see their own future in their learning, which encourages a passion for learning.

At the start of sixth form we survey the needs and goals of all students. We also utilise termly progress data to help identify areas of support for each student.


In the classroom we employ differentiated learning approaches, cultivating opportunities for students to learn in a range of ways. Teachers share strategies centrally to help them coordinate the most suitable lesson activities.


Student voice is a vital part of our learning
community and we listen to student feedback on every element of their learning journey.