Woodmanstern Primary

Parent Pay Term Dates


Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Jayne Kumi - Deputy Head-Inclusion -DSL & Senrior Mental Health Lead  (All through)

Safeguarding is our number 1 priority.  Woodmansterne children feel safe in their environment and we are all 100% committed to their safety and well being. 

All of our staff receive safeguarding training every year and undertake Level 1 Safeguarding training. Our school governors are also trained.

We have 5 Deputy Senior Designated Safeguarding Leads and posters around the building reminding everyone about our procedures. Anyone visiting Woodmansterne is also given a visitors guide with Safeguarding information and the Departments for Education Safeguarding booklet. 

Safeguarding Poster

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy

Operation Encompass


We focus on E-safety regularly with our children and pupils.  This term all of the classes focus on E-safety at least once a week. 

WhatsApp Parents guide

Online Safety Policy

Safeguarding Governor - Faye Agbalaya.
Health and Safety Governor - Chris Blackburn
Health and Safety Officer - Eleanor Donegan.