Unauthorised absence / term time leave
Unauthorised absence If a child is absent from school without an acceptable reason or prior authorisation, this will be considered an ‘unauthorised absence’ and marked accordingly in the register. Unacceptable reasons for absence include: holidays, birthday treats, looking after siblings, shopping trips, oversleeping, closure of sibling’s school etc.
Exceptional leave
Time off school for holidays during term time is not a right. Parents or Carers with whom the child resides may request that a leave of absence be granted in exceptional circumstances. Requests must be made on an ‘Absence From Learning' form and handed in at least three weeks prior to the proposed absence where possible. The ‘exceptional circumstances’ must be clearly stated on the form with accompanying documents of evidence.
- No authorisation will be granted after the absence has occurred.
- Holidays during term time will not be authorised.
- Authorisation may not be granted if the child had a high level of absence in the preceding 12 months, even if the reasons were unavoidable (low attendance due to sickness).
- Authorisation may not be granted if the school believes the disruption to a child’s learning and progress will result in further learning difficulties.
Please think carefully before requesting term-time leave. Whilst we appreciate that holidays taken during term-time are less expensive, there is a hidden cost to your child’s education. Cheaper fares and lower costs are not considered as an ‘exceptional circumstance’
Meetings with parents
Where there is low attendance and/or an emerging pattern to a pupil’s absence, we will write to parents and may invite them to a meeting to discuss the reasons for this. Plans should be put into place with the parents and pupil/s to resolve any difficulties and improve attendance within a specified time limit—usually no more than 6 weeks. It will be explained to parents that any future absences will be unauthorised unless medical evidence is provided.