Woodmanstern Primary

Parent Pay Term Dates


It is important that pupils are aware of the exam information available from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). Our exams office has produced a guidance booklet for pupils, parents and carers  here.  

Please follow links for GCSE/GCE Timetables for Summer 2025: Y11GCSEs  here and Y13 GCEs here. All pupils have been given their individual timetables as a hard copy and via email.

During study leave there will be timetabled revision sessions and pupils will have access to the canteen and library everyday until 12.30 for independent study. Please see this presentation for more information about how exams and revision sessions are organised.

Pupils meet in the canteen before each exam. Rooms for revision sessions will be emailed to pupils and displayed in the canteen.

Post Results Services and Fees 2024

Deciding what to do after you’ve got your exam results

 How to revise

Please see link here to the presentation from our GCSE ready evening given in October for advice and guidance regarding preparing for your exams.

Please see this resource for lots of ideas re revision techniques and this information sheet re the importance of sleep!

Visit our Year 11 Revision Share site for more guidance and resources from individual subject areas.

Year 13 - Students in sixth-form have study periods which they are encouraged to use for active revision. Each department provides plus-learning tasks for students. We also use the PRESS period in term 3 to focus on revision and preparation for exams. All year 13 students have been provided with revision flash cards, revision timetable templates and a list of recommended books and websites to aid their preparation for exams. Please see the revision links - Study Skill and Easter Challenge 

You can purchase revision packs for £3.50 to help pupils prepare for exams via ParentPay here. Each pack includes the following; revision cards (record cards) x 1 pack, whiteboard and board pens, lined paper x notebook, pencils, pens, highlighters and ruler, post-it notes and a zipped wallet.


We also have Maths revision packs available to purchase via parent pay as well. 

Corbett Revision cards: £7.49
5aday Numeracy booklet: £5.99

(January – June) with answers at the back

Available for both Higher and Foundation from ParentPay here.

How about trying the final countdown challenge?. A prize to the first pupil to bring a written solution to Ms Nassor each week.

 Candidate information and school policies

For exam related policies please see our school's policy page here.

The JCQ website has important information for candidates and all documents can be found here. 

JCQ - Preparing to sit your exams

JCQ Information to candidates - social media

JCQ Information for candidates - written examinations

JCQ Information for candidates – non-examination assessments

JCQ Information for candidates- Coursework

JCQ Information for candidates- Privacy notice