Woodmanstern Primary

Parent Pay Term Dates

Equality, diversity and Inclusion 

As a school, we are proud of our richly diverse community and we celebrate the talents, aspirations and individuality of every member of our community in our six core values of integrity, cooperation, aspiration, respect, unity and responsibility. We believe that the best starting place is within ourselves as individuals and within our own school community. Our commitment to social justice, being actively anti-racist, diversity and inclusion and the eradication of inequalities has a platform for discussion and debate and a process to review, challenge and change. 

The responsibility of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is to steer our commitment to social justice, being actively anti-racist, diversity and inclusion and the eradication of inequalities through driving agendas for: 

  • ongoing curriculum and policy reviews; 
  • our continued commitment to the pioneering work of Raising the Game, aimed at raising academic achievement, improving the educational experience and narrowing the attainment gap for Black Caribbean pupils in Lambeth; 
  • providing opportunities to promote anti-racism, social justice, diversity and inclusion, through:  
  • Black History Month 
  • LGBT History Month- FAQ'S about LGBT Month here
  • Art projects and workshops focusing on self and identify  
  • developing children's understanding of the context and impact of injustice in our history and in society today; 
  • reviewing the effectiveness of our teaching of social justice, inequality, diversity and inclusion, racism and anti-racism; 
  • staff development reviews to identify training needs; 
  • change where necessary. 

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee's terms or reference can be found here. 

Diversity and Inclusion presentation