Woodmanstern Primary

Parent Pay Term Dates



School governors are one of the country's largest voluntary groups with around 345,000 school governors contributing to strategic development and raising standards of achievement at over 30,000 schools.

School governors are members of their school's governing body which is a "corporate body".  A corporate body has a legal identity that is separate from its members and as a result, individual governors are generally protected from personal liability as a result of the governing body's decisions and actions, provided they act honestly, reasonably and in good faith.

Individual governors have no power or right to act on behalf of the governing body except where the whole governing body has delegated a specific function to that individual or where regulations specify that a function is to be exercised in a particular way.

School governors are drawn from different parts of the community, such as parents, the Staff, the Community and other groups.  This helps to ensure that the governing body has sufficient diversity of views and experience but does not mean that governors of a particular category "represent" that group on the governing body.  For example, Parent Governors do not act as a representative of the parents at the school and do not report back to them.

If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors, you can do this by email: office@woodmansterne.london or by post: Woodmansterne School, Woodmansterne Road, London, SW16 5UQ. Please mark your correspondence 'Private and Confidential - for the attention of Dave Clark: Chair of Governors'.

Who we are 

Woodmansterne Governors (ID 1051)

  • Dave Clark
    Chair of Governors, LA Governor and Chair of Pay & HR Committee
  • Juliet Mitchell
    Vice-Chair of Governors & Co-Chair of Finance, Facilities and Resources Committee
  • Peter Hogg
    Vice-Chair of Governors & Co-Chair of Finance, Facilities and Resources Committee
  • Harry McNeill Adams
    Co-Chair of Academic and Achievement Committee
  • Damian Mitchelmore
    Co-Chair of Academic and Achievement Committee
  • Karen Abies Aghatise
    Co-Chair of Pastroal & Community Committee
  • Thomas Moudiotis
    Co-Chair of Pastoral & Community Committee
  • Faye Agbalaya
  • Chris Blackburn
  • Kylie Penfold
  • Jemma Naish-Williams
  • Eve Hand
    Parent Governor (Elected)
  • Caroline Findlay
    Parent Governor (Elected)
  • Jacob Taylor
    Staff Governor (Elected)
  • Samantha Palin
    Executive Head (Ex-Officio)

Associate Governors
Marie Nassor (Head of Woodmansterne Secondary)
Katherine Kelly (Head Woodmansterne Primary)
Eleanor Donegan (WCL Finance and Facilities Manager)
Diane John-Cyrus (Co-Head of School - Crown Lane Primary)
Claire Kubilius (Co-Head of School - Crown Lane Primary) 

Parent Governors
Caroline Findlay
Eve Hand 

Staff Governor 
Jacob Taylor

Samantha Palin (Executive Head) 


The governing body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement including setting targets for pupil achievement, managing the school's finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, appointing staff and reviewing staff performance and pay and much more.

The governing body has considerable discretion as to how to discharge its responsibilities but is required to constitute itself in line with the regulations and to appoint a chair and vice chair.  The governing body may delegate certain of its responsibilities to certain governors or committees of governors, although in general, it is not compelled to do so.

Categories of Governors

Depending on the category of the school (Community, Foundation, Voluntary Controlled, Voluntary Aided), the governing body will be made up of different numbers and categories of governors.  At WCL, we have governors drawn from the following groups

Parent governors - selected by election (or appointment if insufficient people stand for election) and drawn from parents and carers of children at the school.

Staff governors - selected by election from teaching and support staff paid to work at the school

Co-opted governors - appointed by the governing body to represent community interests and develop the strength of the body

Committees of the Governing Body

The governing body can delegate certain of its responsibilities to committees or individual governors.  At WCL, we have the following committees:

  • Academic and Achievement Committee 
  • Pastoral and Community Committee 
  • Finance, Facilities and Resources Committee 
  • Pay and HR Committee 

For a list of who is on each committee click here