Woodmanstern Primary

Parent Pay Term Dates

Key Information

As well as the information below, please find additional information listed on the right of this page

Admissions: Starting school is a very important milestone in your child's life.  All school admissions, for children entering Reception to Year 6 are carried out by Lambeth Admissions Team.  The link below will guide you through the application process. 

If you wish to apply for a space in our school NURSERY, please contact the school office or click here to download a Nursery Application Form. We will also need to see your child's original birth certificate or passport and a recent utility bill (within 3 months) as a proof of address.

To see if your child is eligible for the 30 hours free childcare government scheme, please click here.


School Performance Data: You can download our school performance by clicking here. 

You can find out more about your school performance by visiting the Department for Education website

OFSTED: Download the latest version (November 13) of our school OFSTED report here.

Our vision and values: Learn more about our school vision, shared values and school rules

Download our Primary prospectus here

Download our Secondary prospectus here

Term Dates 2016-2017

Term Dates 2017-2018

Curriculum Overview

Home School Agreement

Home Learning: Find out more about how we use home learning to support pupil learning

Religious Education: What we teach and why

Why do you not serve Halal food?